Join members of the Women in Science and Technology (WIST) Program as they mark Women’s History Month with several events in March. All employees are invited to participate.
A presentation on “Historical Women Scientists of Argonne,” highlights the careers of Leona Woods, Maria Goeppert Mayer and Margaret Butler. Led by Dan O’Rourke (EVS), Argonne’s principal cultural resources specialist, the event takes place Wednesday, March 22, at noon in the Bldg. 213 Cafeteria Private Dining room.
Order a copy of The Madame Curie Complex: The Hidden History of Women in Science by Julie Des Jardins and attend a book club event to discuss. Discussion date to be announced soon. Contact Lydia Finney (ALI) at ext. 2-6614 to participate.
And keep an eye out for the lab’s television monitors, which will be featuring video poster biographies of historical women scientists including Marie Maynard Daly, Maryam Mirzakhani, Lydia Villa-Komaroff and Chien-Shung Wu, among others.